April evening sky, Rockridge


It would have been so easy to miss this, but when I looked up I was stunned. What a beautiful, beautiful blue.

Beating heart video

Short video clips of my angioplasty at Tulane. Click 'em.

Here's the "before" shot. Notice how the artery (dark because they just shot dye into it) disappears in the middle. That's a 100% blockage.

Here's the "after" image of the same artery, unblocked and 100% open.

How to encourage thieves


Middle Harbor Shoreline Park

Last Thursday I took a walk in our newest regional park, the Middle Harbor Shoreline Park in Oakland. The park and environmental restoration area occupy the site of the former Naval Supply Depot and its 4 acre warehouse. Here's a map.

Wonderful views across the Bay. That's San Francisco to the left, and the Golden Gate to the right.

Birders will love this place.

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The park is surrounded by giant cargo cranes. I was ready to confront white, robotic storm troopers from StarTrek at every turn.

If you've wondered where at that stuff from China is coming from, this is it.

Bad Joke #1

One bright, beautiful Sunday morning, everyone in the tiny town of Johnstown got up early and went to the local church. Before the services started, the townspeople were sitting in their pews and talking about their lives, their families, etc. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming and running for the exit, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from this evil incarnate. Soon everyone was evacuated from the Church, except for one elderly gentleman who sat calmly in his pew, not moving, seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence. Now this confused Satan a bit, so he walked up to the man and said, "Don't you know who I am?" The man replied "Yep, sure do." Satan asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?" "Nope, sure ain't," said the man. Satan was a little perturbed at this and queried, "Why aren't you afraid of me?" The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for 48 years..."

Celadon Tea Room

At the foot of Solano Avenue, 1/2 a block off San Pablo in Albany, is the Celadon Tea Room, a comfortable spot where tea is served with the ceremony Californians usually reserve for tasting fine wine.

Location colors mood. I've met with four different people at the Celadon. Each conversation was a delight. Midday Friday a fellow drove over from Marin to discuss a new business venture. The tea ceremony kicked our co-creative mojo into overdrive and we had a very productive conversation.

They make the first cup. You make the second, using the one-minute hour glass that adorns each table. (Is a one-minute hour-glass a minute-glass?)

The melon seeds require a lot of effort. I never did get the knack of splitting them open gracefully. No matter. My infusion of chrysanthemum flowers put me in a blissful state of mind.

Flckr Spelling

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Spell with Flckr

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